Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Software requirements:

To develop applications of Android in eclipse , following are the Software requirements :

  • JDK full.
  • Android SDK
  • Eclipse JDE
  • Eclipse ADT (Android development Tool) plugin.
Android SDK contains tool libraries, Emulator (AVD - Android Virtual Device ). Emulator provider platform to users to see how their application will appear on handset when installed . A virtual mobile appears on the screen. It will look like the actual screen of mobile handset we see. AVD also asks developer for which particular handset developer wants to appear on the screen .

Before opening eclipse , unzip and extract the files of JDK full and Android SDK . After these have been extracted now install eclipse . Eclipse will automatically access these plugins if installed on system  . While initializing with Eclipse , you will be asked where you want to create workspace . Avoid creating your workspace in C.

To make a application for Android in eclipse we have three steps:

  • Create an application project.
  • Code the application.
  • Run the application.


After you unzip your android sdk kit , folder will appear in the disk wherever you have stored the extracted files . It will appear something like this :

Open this folder and the following icons should appear something like this:

Open the folder named Eclipse :
open the Application eclipse , with violet coloured icon and size of 312 KB. A window will appear on your screen and will ask you to choose workspace where you want to store data . Avoid choosing C drive .

After you have chosen this workspace click OK . 

Now main window of eclipse will appear on your screen .
Click on File --- > New ---->Other 
when you will click on other , following window will appear :
Select Android Application project . Eclipse will ask you to input Application name and project name . Note that while entering project name there should be no space in project as well as Application name .

Minimize the  welcome window and then the following window will appear . Check and analyse this window carefully :
it will appear something like this 

Minimize this middle window and click on package src in HelloWorld and then select the main activity file .
With this we completed the first step i.e. to create the Application Project is now created .

Now we come to coding . How to code the first very basic program  --> to print HelloWorld .

There is code available on your window > you can either edit that code or erase it and type the following . However editing it is a good option :

                  public class MainActivity extends Activity
                          public void onCreate(Bundle b)
                             TextView t=new TextView(this);
                             t.setText("Hello World");

After this we are done with the coding step also. Next is how to run this code .
In the package window , right click on the folder HelloWorld. Click on run as -----> Android application . Set the emulator .You can  choose any device as per your wish and then launch the application . It may take few minutes even to display the virtual device with this application opened .
This how we can make a project and see how it runs .


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