Monday, 9 September 2013

The course in computer science begins mainly with the following major subjects :
1. Computer Architecture (CA)

2. Data Structure And Program Management (DSPM)

3.Digital Circuits And Logic designing (DCLD)

And we shall begin with the basic and fundamental definitions and the importance of knowledge in these areas in Computer Science.

1) Computer Architecture :
   CA is concerned with the structure and behavior of the various functional modules of the computer and how they interact to provide the processing needs of user. Computer organisation is concerned with the way the hardware components are connected together to form a computer system. Computer design is concerned with the development of hardware for computer taking into consideration a given set of specifications.

2)Data Structure And Program Management :
   Data structures is a subject of primary importance to discipline of computer science.Organisation or structuring data is vital to the design and implementation of efficient algorithms and program development. Niklaus  Wirth very aptly captured the role played by data structures in the crisp title of his book "Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs "!
Data may be organised in many ways; the logical or mathematical model of a particular organisation of data is called a data structure. The choice of a particular model depends on two considerations. First, it must be rich enough in structure to mirror the actual relationship of data and the data in the real world. on the other hand, the structure should be simple enough that one can effectively process the data when necessary.

3)Digital Circuits And Logic designing :
  The introduction to this subjects starts with the logic gates and their working. The subject illustrates the importance and need of logic circuits in the computers. As the computers is based on binary system hence logic gates also use 0 as off and 1 as on .

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